We have been awarded by the federal government for the cultural and creative industries as cultural and creative pilots Germany 2021!
765 applications – 102 auditions with 127 jury members. Now the time has come: The cultural and creative pilots for 2021 have been chosen. Thinking new and differently and seeing change as an opportunity is what the cultural and creative industries stand for, like no other industry. The 32 title holders represent this solution orientation in the best way and stand for the opportunities of social change.

The quick social, ecological and technological change of these days requires the courage to think things in a new and different way to see the changes as an opportunity. “When it comes to innovations, solutions and new ways of thinking in times of change, our title holders are among the most important driving forces of our Land” says Christoph Backes from the U-Institut für unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln e. V.” The award focuses on the personality of the entrepreneurs, “Because more than ever it is important to show the innovative power in these founders” emphasizes Sylvia Hustedt from the u-institut für unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln e. V. and initiator of the award. As cultural and creative pilots in Germany, we will be part of a unique mentoring program, benefit from workshops, coaching, our high-quality expert network and of course from the nationwide attention through the award.
We are honored to be awarded and to get in contact with others inspiring Pilots.

All the Cultural and Creative Pilots 2021
Credits: what happened last week/Yasmine Asha, SendMePack®/Timotheus Theisen, MikroKosmos Berlin/G. Valli, Lou&You/Isabel Henschen, OUSA Collective, Meal Bag/Amelie Graf, Vulvani, Triviar, BIWOC* Rising, OH WOMAN/Lisa Hantke, CHLENCH Fashion, Nulight, ACTitude/Sebastian Fuchs, nakt®, B wie Berlin, MARI&ANNE/Sabine Lewandowski, krisenchat, JUPP/schall und schnabel 2021, The Showmasters UG/ein.portrait, KINDERSTARK MAGAZIN, bring-together/Alexandra Demming, Sirius/ThomasMandl, nuechtern.berlin, RemmyVR/L. Blumstengel, Novaheal/Donna und Blitz, Rocky Motion, Literarische Diverse Verlag/Meltem Kaya, Lost Film/privat, Magazin of Color/Francois Weinert, ReDo/Luca Hain, MooEntertainment/Fabian Raabe, My Migrant Mama