MikroKosmos is a project born in 2017 as a „growtainer“ of ideas that focuses on the universe of edible insects with the purpose of helping people overcome the gap of disgust and fear towards them. Through our presence at street food markets, events, fairs and offering workshops, cooking classes and many other activities, we have tried to awaken consumer curiosity about edible insects and inform about their nutritional and environmental value. Now we are using the experience we have collected to offer the best dishes in our restaurant in Berlin-Kreuzberg.


True to the saying: “The way to the heart of a human being is through the stomach”, we brought edible insects closer to people by preparing them deliciously and letting them taste at various street food markets. Like our stand at Markthalle Neun in Berlin. >> Discover more


To surprise consumers and customers, we organized creative pop-up events, but also offered private catering and dinners – inspired by the world of insects, bringing together culinary, arts and music. >> Discover more


Through cooking classes, Insect Farming workshops, lectures, as well as our website, we aim to educate consumers about the nutritional and environmental value of insects, debate current scientific research projects, and show the different ways to bred and prepare edible insects. >> Discover more