We took a part in the Mexican Street Food Market organized by the “MarktHalle9” in Kreutzberg.
It has been a pleasure to play with exotic ingredients to find out our favorite Mexican-insects-dishes to present in the event. There are 549 species of edible insects in Mexico, therefore we can consider them a typical ingredient of the Mexican kitchen.
“Chapulines”, are small grasshopper, which are often fried. Among different kind of edible worms, famous are the “chinicuil” the Mezcal worm and the “gusanos de magei” the Maguey worm. Ants are eaten but a supreme delicacy are ants- eggs/larvae the “escamol“.

For legal reasons we can not order such ingredients from non-europeans Country. Any way I think that such typical dishes taste much better in the original Country. We experimented different dishes. In the end, we decided to offer:
- Chips made out of blue corn flower served with 2 different dips (guacamole of tomato- avocado and mango-chili) and insects on the top.
- Quinoa salad mixed with Coriander, Corn, red onions, black beans, tomatoes, pepperoni, avocados, special dress and crispy insects light toasted free to choose.
- Around us there were music and other stands selling local objects, spicy food and drinks made with Mezcal..everybody got hot and courageous. A really funny event.